You can absolutely be happy, fulfilled, and love your life...

without being perfect. (Or having people like you all the time)

I know you. Your happiness rides on the responses of other people. But when you get the approval, the praise or that gold star, you get even more insecure. “They bought it,” you think to yourself… “But how much longer until they figure it out?” On the outside, your life looks perfect. But inside, you feel exhausted, resentful, and even ashamed.

I know this because I lived my entire adult life obsessed with getting people to approve of me… I chased after “gold stars” so people would say nice things about me and think I had it all figured out… I created an elaborate façade of perfection – I had the “right” job, I married the “right” guy, we bought the “perfect” house. But the truth was, on the inside I was miserable. I hated my life and I didn’t have a clue what to do about it.

So, I’m curious…

Do you…

  • Worry that if people knew the “real” you, they’d leave?
  • Hold on to toxic relationships but you don’t know why?
  • Rehearse what you’re going to say and how you’re going to say it before going into situations… even ones as simple as talking to your spouse?
  • Mentally go over the things you said and did after a meeting, finding all kinds of ways you could have done it or said it differently?
  • Keep your opinions to yourself especially when they’re not the same as the opinions of other people?
  • Avoid asking for help because you dread the word no?
  • Think your life depends on keeping everyone else happy?
  • Believe taking time for yourself is frivolous?
  • Constantly try to achieve so that others will be impressed by your accomplishments? (Yet you’re not even sure you like what you do.)
  • Find yourself stuck when you’re afraid you might fail at something (because you hate to appear weak or incompetent)?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may have a problem that is running your life — and you probably don't even know about it.

Here’s another thing you may not know. You can actually love your life by being YOU uncensored, no apologies. You don’t have to bake another cupcake for the school party (if you don’t want to) or lose 10 pounds before you can do that talk you wanted to do or work ’til 9pm every night .… All that stuff will make you feel like a big ol’ fake anyway. Because (drum roll please) your happiness has nothing to do with how you appear to other people.

  1. We think we have to “live up” to THE standard – a standard we had nothing to do with! For women the external standard equals some combo of nice, thin, modest, domestic, and attractive…but it depends on the person.
  2. We think that if “Everyone” is happy we’re bullet proof – safe from judgment, criticism, rejection, eye rolls, nasty emails, snarky comments or anything else that makes us uncomfortable.
  3. It’s normal! Wanting to belong and feel safe in social groups is a fundamental human drive. The problem is most of us settle for a false sense of belonging by trying to be someone we aren’t so we can “fit in.”

Honestly? Most People Want Approval. If you don't you're either a sociopath or (congratulations!) you've reached enlightenment...

Wanting approval is not the problem. The problem is when you think you NEED approval…

You work too hard to be all things to all people.

You try too hard to live up to impossible standards that don’t even exist.

You create an entire life that doesn’t fit you, just to “fit in.”

And the truth is you don’t need to live up to anything to be happy and have the life you want. You just need to approve of YOU.

“Amy is a courage infuser…filling her clients up with courage without them even understanding how it happened. I believe it’s her authenticity, vulnerability and gentleness in addition to her own contagious courage.”

Kris McGuffie


So Imagine…

  • Not needing approval (gasp!) – it just feels like icing on the cake when you get it
  • Not feeling like a fraud anymore – when somebody gives you a compliment you actually believe it instead of going into fits of anxiety that they might find you out
  • Actually listening to what other people say without getting distracted by what brilliant thing you need to say in response
  • Being able to speak up in a meeting full of guys without dealing with a moment of paralysis or terror
  • Saving big bucks (like thousands of dollars) because it finally hit you: I AM ENOUGH AS IS. I DON’T ACTUALLY NEED ANOTHER LETTER NEXT TO MY NAME.
  • Wearing that dress you’ve had in your closet for a year because you could never work up the courage to wear it before now (and getting tons of compliments to your shock and amazement)
  • Never again having to consult Facebook, your best friend, your mother and your next door neighbor before being able to make important life decisions
  • Finding a tribe of people who get you for who you really are and NOT who you pretend to be (BONUS: hanging out with friends has become a lot more relaxing.

The great news is, it's ALL 100% possible! You can BE this. Best of all, if you follow the steps in this course, you can

Transform Your Life

and it'll just keep getting better and better as you continue to implement these principles.

Click below to join the other 2719 people who have taken BEING YOU UNCENSORED

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“With Amy’s help, I fell in love with me…flaws and all. It was worth every penny I spent.”

Lisa Smith

Who Am I + Why Am I Here?

HI, I'm Amy and I'm addicted to approval (Recovering with the occassional relapse)

It Took Years and a Major Loss to Realize I Had a Problem

For most of my adult life, I obsessed over proving to the entire known universe my value. I wanted people to see me as smart, attractive and talented, so I spent most of my adult feeling like a fraud and most of my precious time and energy chasing gold stars. It cost me my health, my happiness, my relationships, and ultimately it cost me time I could have spent with my mother before she died. I don’t want anyone to experience this EVER.

I Found a Way Out So You Can Too

But once I made the connection that my need to get approval and avoid rejection was costing me my LIFE, I found a way out.

The Truth Process

I Figured Out How to be Happy and Confident AS Myself

Even though everything looked great on the surface, I was filled with anxiety almost 24/7.

It may sound corny but now live a life that, before, I wouldn’t even LET myself dream about. I teach and train for Martha Beck. I have a wait list for my services + I wake up every day excited. My baseline emotion is peace.

It’s not rocket science and now I’m here to teach it to you. I have worked with hundreds of clients and thousands have taken this course. Based on my work, I’ve created a 7 week program that anyone can use to Overcome their Inner Approval Addict for good!

I Proudly Claim My Place as a Thought Leader

There’s no other program like this available. Period. I own the Trademark on the term “approval addiction” because, well, I invented it. I am on a crusade to get my work in the hands and hearts as many women as possible because I believe the problem of approval addiction is REAL and it is invisible to most people (because most of the time, when you are an approval addict your life looks really good on the surface and people praise you).

Course Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 2
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 3
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 4
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 5
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 6
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 7
Available in days
days after you enroll

Here’s What’s Included in “Being YOU Uncensored”

  1. 7 Weeks of video training with Amy – you’ll learn her one of a kind system to Be YOU Uncensored so you can release the need to please, step into who you really are and succeed your way
  2. Simple Action Challenges to help you learn by doing to experience the powerful shifts in a very short amount of time
  3. Weekly homework assignments you can do at your convenience to build your awareness and deepen your results
  4. Class notes so you can access the material in a variety of formats when it’s most convenient to you
  5. Supplemental resources so you can take the content deeper when you want to
  6. Private access to an exclusive online forum where you can engage with and ask questions of Amy and connect with OTHER tribe members in this course who will be your support system and encourage you as you do the work
  7. Other surprises! Because surprises are fun :-)

Plus, You’ll Get These Bonuses:

BONUS 1: The Vulnerability Factor – 90 Minute Training

(Value: $197)

Why putting your butt on the line is the only way to win in business + 4 simple ways to start

Four counter-intuitive ways to create immediate trust, connection and loyalty between you and your followers

The fatal mediocrity business mistake most heart centered entrepreneurs make

How blatant imperfectionism is the perfect business strategy in the current market

Why discomfort (even terror) is the key to accelerated business success and revenue!

Step by step plan to instantly make money doing what you love by igniting your “fascination factor

BONUS 2: “Nothing I Do is Ever Good Enough” Breakthrough Session 1 from the Live Brazen Series (Value: $37)

Not everyone is ready to invest in one-on-one coaching after all. But thanks to Live Brazen: The Breakthrough Sessions, anyone can benefit from coaching.

I handpicked my favorite coaching session near and dear to the heart of anyone who has ever felt like a FRAUD, added a transcript full of my notes and comments and lovingly crafted worksheets to supplement the audio.

Listen and learn so YOU can experience a shift in mindset that leads to a totally new way of being and eventually a whole new life.

BONUS 3: Amy Pearson and other Master Coaches on Approval Addiction (Value: $197)

Listen to two Master Life Coaches jam about all things approval addiction. Amy has hand picked her favorite coaches (some are also her earliest mentors) to offer additional perspective on The Fraud Factor and Approval Addiction.

This interview series will inspire, enlighten and probably make you laugh too. Great for your success library and when you need some high vibration content to listen to as you commute to work, take a job or, heck, when you’re folding the laundry.

Unlike other programs where you just read about things without doing anything, all my courses incorporate ACTION.

After all, action is the number one way to experience the powerful shifts and transformations that are possible with this work.

Each week, you’ll receive a homework assignment AND an action challenge. The homework assignment is for your own reflection, to help you think through the course materials and build your awareness around how they apply to you in your life. The Action Challenge is a simple, yet powerful way to actually incorporate the course content through action. Two kinds of work, very powerful results!

IMPORTANT: If You Do Nothing…

You’ll keep taking on too much stuff that you don’t even like. You’ll keep resenting the hell out of everyone around you. You’ll keep trying to do better, act better, be better, but nothing will change… sorta like a hamster wheel.

And sure, you might get some praise (or at least avoid a few snarky comments). But the praise will only make you feel good for a split second until the same thought begins to sink in once again: “WHAT IF THEY FIND OUT? IF THEY ONLY KNEW THE REAL ME.” Then the anxiety will creep back in and have you obsessively over preparing once again. You’ll keep feeling resentful, because nobody seems to notice how hard you work!

Your happiness will continue to depend on how other people treat you.

Can you really live this way anymore?

If not, there is a way out.

Click below to join the other 2719 people who have taken Being YOU Uncensored:

“I know people throw around the word “authentic” a lot these days, but Amy embodies genuineness in her emotional vulnerability, by using such personal examples from her own life, and in her wholehearted wish for us to succeed.”

Elisia Brodeur

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“I have life-changing realizations and I make tremendous progress toward my goals. Amy helps me help myself”

Wende Garrison

“Amy Pearson doesn’t need me to approve of her, yet I do. That’s the funny thing that happens when you let go of your need for approval, you show up fully and allow people to love you, and then they do. Amy’s walked this path and is the one to show you the way back to yourself. And if you believe this self-love journey will be a slog–think again–slogging is so not Amy’s style. She’ll help you make finding your right life the fun adventure it was intended to be.”

– Martha Beck

How it Works

Upon registration, you’ll get instant access to the online learning site. You’ll be able to access the bonus goodies right away as well as your first homework assignment. Each new lesson and the supplemental materials will become available on the learning site on a weekly basis.

In addition to the materials for each class, you’ll receive lifetime access to a private Facebook forum where you can connect with other course participants, post your homework and get a jump on finding your tribe.

What would a renewed sense of excitement and passion for your life be worth to you? Or having a renewed sense of clarity! Being able to spend your precious time on this earth doing your own unique thing without waiting for sign off?

Being able to create a life so shiny and sparkly on the inside it doesn’t matter what other people think about you.

Seriously. Try to put a dollar sign on it. I know I would have mortgaged my house ten times over. What’s the alternative? Another 5, 10, 30 years of the same thing?

Click below to join the other 2719 people who have taken Being YOU Uncensored:

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I hope you make the choice to invest in yourself and join me for this one of a kind program.

I know you’ll be happy you did.

(Upon payment you will receive immediate access to the learning site and bonus materials!)

"Being YOU Uncensored" is For You If:

You have always had a deep desire to heal the world in a way only YOU can and you know it's time to stop hiding

You consider yourself a woman on a mission who has a deep sense of calling and you're sick and tired of being afraid, holding back, and being sick and tired

You yearn for a deeply meaningful life that will allow you to make a difference in your own unique way

“Being YOU Uncensored” is NOT For You If:

(Hey this program isn’t for everyone. I want you to self-select out of this opportunity right away if it’s not for you! )

You believe that reading about things is the same as doing them.

You are not willing to do or see things differently. Be ready for some major challenges to your existing way of being in the world. If it sounds like that might be too much for you. Think twice about this program.

You think this program is supposed to be easy. Well I said it would be fun but I didn’t promise you that it would be easy. You are going to be required to step up in a major way that will require considerable courage. Some people are just not ready for this type of transformative work.

My Wish For You is NO REGRETS

Here’s the thing, I think you sense what you are truly capable of. There is a little voice inside you who believes. You know you have something to contribute, you know you can make an impact and you yearn to so your work in the world.

Most of all, you don’t want to have regrets about your life. You want to look back and smile when you think about all you did, all you accomplished, all you healed.

If this is you, I urge you to take the next step. And I have found that magic happens when you show up ready with your sleeves rolled back.

No regrets!

The Truth Process

But Amy What If…?

But Amy what if I can’t afford it?

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want anybody to have to mortgage their house or anything but when someone says “Amy, I can’t afford it,” I rarely see it as a money issue. When someone says that to me, I can tell they don’t get the value. Look at it this way, what is it costing you to be stuck feeling like a fraud, worrying about what others think, wasting time NOT doing your thing? You’re probably pretty unhappy, you might even be dealing with constant stress and anxiety, you’re confidence is pretty low and you’re probably not connecting the way you want to in your relationships. You might even be in a job or a relationship or a LIFE that just doesn’t feel like it fits you. With no END in sight. How much would YOU pay to get out of that shit storm? What if you could feel happy, even joyful, in your life again? What if you could find true connection and belonging instead of always trying to “fit in”? What if you could find work you love that allows you to express your gifts, help other people and maybe even make money? Seriously, put a dollar figure on it. Then tell me you can’t afford it. It’s a choice and where you put your money is a reflection of what you value. Okay done.

But Amy what if I don’t have enough time?

Time is like money. Where you put it is a reflection of what you value. Look at how you’re currently spending your time. What does that tell you about your values? Keep in mind that all the classes are recorded and you have access to them forever so you can listen to them later. Can you afford to set aside the time just for YOU? If you just can’t carve out the time then you’re probably not ready for this program (although you probably NEED it pretty badly. Just sayin’.)

Click below to join the other 2719 people who have taken Being YOU Uncensored:

Select a pricing plan and sign up

My refund policy:

With our 7-day full money-back guarantee, you can test out the first module without any risk. Watch the videos. Participate in the LIVE coaching call. Get your bonus goodies. Connect with others in the private community. Put the content into action. If you don’t feel that I’ve delivered on my promise for this program, then my team will happily refund 100% of your money.

I just ask for two quick things:

  1. Respect your time, show up. You made a commitment to yourself. Don’t fall into the – “buying the program means I get results” trap. Nope. You have to do the work. Just like watching a YouTube video of someone baking a pie is not the same as YOU baking that pie.
  2. Respect my time, show up. I have put years of love into this material. It is truly life changing. Before you choose to back out because you mismanaged your time or finances, honor your commitment to yourself AND TO ME.

Approval for “Being You Uncensored”

“I was sure this course would be too ‘fluffy’ but it wasn’t at all. Amy really goes deep to help you set yourself on the right track. I became determined to be authentic and find “my people”. Amy is an amazing teacher. She is also a spiritual leader in that she makes herself vulnerable so that you can learn. The course is very grounding and a great way to adjust your thinking!”

– Melanie R.

“Admitting that I actually was addicted to approval was a big thing for me. Through the course, I realized that I was okay with some people not liking me because it was a truth that was a relief to recognize. I’ve also stopped wasting time on trying to figure out why some people don’t approve of me. It is liberating to just be yourself and be surrounded by those who care about you! Nothing else matters!”

– Lisa O.

“I was willing to try anything! Trying to seek approval from everyone made me think that I needed to be more than I was. I felt like everyone else was above me and it was so painful. Trying to get the approval was blocking the real connection to people. I love how doable the course was. I think that the approval trap is such a scary thing to dive into and yet there was something soft and comforting about the course!

– Adriane N.

“Before I took this course, I was concerned that I’d feel even worse after, thinking of instances where I’ve given away my power or shrunk (and I did, at first!). I realized though that validation works two ways & my seeking it all the time was pretty inauthentic. I wasn’t valuing some relationships, just scared of ending them and being seen “in the wrong.” Now, I remember I deserve to be happy too and my intention is never to hurt others.”

– Anonymous

“This has been a life changer for me.”

“Before starting this course, I wondered if I could really overcome this issue and was it worth the time to try? But, I woke up every day anxious so I knew I had to do something. I soon discovered the advice was practical and achievable, but it does take a lifetime of work!!! I feel calmer, think more objectively and am less sensitive.”

– Adrienne G.

“After taking the Approval e-course, I have more confidence in depending on myself. I loved being able to take the course at my own pace when I had the time. I recommend it to other people pleasers because it is well worth it!”

– Linda O.

“I was such a “worry wart” before taking this course!”

“Now, I have a greater awareness of thoughts related to seeking approval and understand all of the (often unconscious) ways we seek approval and how much energy is wasted on such thoughts! The Approval e-course is packed with info that so many women can relate to. Approval addiction is often a way of life that we don’t even realize!”

– M. C.

“I have more time with the kids and less time worrying about whether or not I’m going to get paid for my time or whether or not people are going to show up or not.”

“Well, after this approval class I enrolled in the online self study course and have been working hard on finding my North Star. I bought the book and I’m on my way to finding my correct path. The first step was revamping my job. I am self employed and get to set my own rate and hours and schedule, but I do daycare and often feel like the families and the kids take advantage of me. I upped my wage, shortened my hours, produced policies and contracts and became no nonsense. Now I have time to focus on who really wants and needs care from a professional and cut through all those who are just trying to find a free to cheap babysitter. It’s great!!!”

– Denee F.

“I had been uncomfortable with showing up and being seen. The course helped me to uncover the why, how, what, where and when of my approval seeing behavior which was blocking everything!”

– Wendy Holthaus

“I’m finding that I am at a different place on the inside. I have a different attitude towards approval and I can see how it has held me back rather than move me forward. I feel like I am finally becoming free!

– Maria Hill

“I had gone through the hardest times of my life and Amy was a major force in my being able to recreate my life for good in a major way.

Only a month before the program, I had suffered from a nervous breakdown. I only left my couch to go to the grocery store. Now, I am out and about. I am no longer an approval addict. Amy helped me out of a prison in my mind where I cared so much about what people thought of me that I was crippled. I have joy back in my life and people are drawn to me because they see that joy and the freedom.

I am so moved with gratitude. Thank you for giving me a new life, Amy.”

– Dottie